Dec 18, 2018 []
Codfish is an essential fish in Aomori that is used for celebratory dishes in the new year. Until 1945, it was a common sight to see locals dragging the fish tied with rope on a snowy road at the end of the year for celebration. Jappa is an Aomori dialect... read more
Dec 18, 2018 []
In the Kanto region, nanban miso typically refers to a chili-infused miso. However, “nanban miso” written in hiragana is a completely different dish of Japanese pickles made from fresh vegetables such as daikon, carrots, cucumber, perilla seeds, and green chillies. The vegetables are mixed together with malt (koji) and fermented... read more
Nov 30, 2018 []
Senbei-jiru is a country-style dish from Hachinohe in the Nanbu region of Aomori. Nanbu senbei are wheat-flour crackers made from flour and salt. The crackers are broken into pieces and cooked in a dashi broth made from meat, fish, mushrooms, and vegetables. The food culture of the Nanbu region formed... read more
Nov 26, 2018 []
Kenoshiru is one of the many country-style dishes originally from the Tsugaru region in Aomori prefecture. “Kenoshiru” is said to be a colloquialized form of “kayu-no-shiru” (rice soup). A nutritious soup dish, kenoshiru uses a variety of ingredients; vegetables such as daikon, carrots, and burdock roots; mountain vegetables such as... read more