Natural salmon caught in Japan is safe, with no chemical preservatives or additives. Americans import and consume them as all-natural “wild salmon.”
Fishing for salmon peaks from fall to winter in Aomori. Aomori is one of the major salmon fisheries in Japan, which mainly uses the fixed net method.
Salmon are anadromous fish, hatching in freshwater then migrating to the ocean. After wandering a few years in the northern sea, the salmon returns to its freshwater birthplace to spawn.
In Aomori, artificial hatching and release of hatchlings have taken place since the Meiji period (1868-1912). Over 100 million salmon fry are released in twelve rivers in the prefecture with the purpose of resource conservation and growth.
Every part of salmon can be consumed, including the liver as mefun (salted liver), the cartilage in the head as hizu namasu (vinegared salad), and the salmon roe which is known as ikura and sujiko.
Salmon has long been a staple in Aomori. Aomori city has the highest consumption of salmon per household nationwide.
Distribution Season
in season distribution period
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
Kaikyo Salmon

The town of Ohata in Mutsu, Aomori, produces “Kaikyo Salmon,” a branded Donaldson trout farmed in the open seas of the Tsugaru Strait.
Kaikyo Salmon are raised in the rough ocean of the Tsugaru Strait, in farming enclosures placed 2 km (1.2 miles) offshore at the depth of 23 meters (75 ft).
The trout fry are raised under comprehensive care for two years in freshwater. After a four-day adjustment period, the fry are moved to the ocean where they grow steadily, swimming in the fast, rough water for eight months. Though farmed, the enclosed environment in the Tsugaru Strait provides the fish with conditions similar to the wild. They are harvested from mid-May to July, before the ocean water temperature increases. This is the only time in the year in which this fish is distributed fresh. Each fish is paralyzed then bled aboard ships, a method known as ikejime. This allows for fish to stay fresh with good texture and color, suitable for eating uncooked.
The Kaikyo Salmon raised in the rough strong currents of the Tsugaru Strait have excellent firm flesh, with a great amount of fat that melts in the mouth. It is greatly appreciated as a sashimi fish.

Harvest Months (Kaikyo Salmon)
in season distribution period
Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
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Depending on the season and weather, this product may not be available.